Vacation Plan: Trips Choices and Useful Tips for an Unforgettable Trip

A good itinerary can actually save you as much as 30% of the cost of your vacation. Itchy feet? On the lookout for a family vacation or simply a holiday of a lifetime? In this guide, we have provided you with the tips and tactics that you will need for every form of travel. It is something that Luxury Tours Agency will explain to you about how to choose the best destination, how to plan the schedule, and of course, share some great experiences.

Below are some of the most popular travel itineraries for vacations to Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Egypt, and Rwanda. These destinations provide various forms of tourism that are exciting and attract tourists with various interests; thus, guaranteeing an interesting vacation.

Morocco Tours

Morocco Tours need to be added to your Vacation Trip

One should always consider planning their vacation and one country that should be on ones’ list is Morocco. This North African country is a true cultural, historical and natural treasure trove. First of all, it is recommended to walk around the city, especially the capital of Morocco – Marrakech. From the crowded souks of Medina to the andalusian gardens of Majorelle every person can find something interesting. Also, one can feel the sound of silence while walking on a endless sea of sand dunes and admiring the beauty of stars at night.

Besides those urban and desert travels, the coastal cities of Morocco including Essaouira and Agadir are perfect for superb beaches and seafood. Historical lovers will definitely have a field day in Fes and Meknes as they are ancient cities in Morocco where they can buy Morocco handmade products like Berber carpets, Moroccan lanterns, moroccan lamps, moroccan Argan oil products and leather products . Therefore, be it history, food or adventure tourism, Morocco tours are very much versatile and can be the best decision for your next trip. you can try to book one of these with reputable travel agency such as Morocco Luxury Tours or simply check Morocco Itinerary 7 days blog .

Recommended Tours of Morocco: 7 Days Tours of Morocco9 Days Tours of Morocco, and 15 Days Tours of Morocco.

Kenya Tours

Local Guide is Feeding a Girafe

Following on the list of your vacationing plans should be Kenya; a country that boasts of beautiful scenery and great wildlife. First of all, the Maasai Mara National Reserve provides clients with the best safari experience. Here you will get a chance to see one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, the great migration of wildebeest and zebras across the plains. Also, the diverse ecosystem provides shelter to numerous animals and big five animals.

Other than wildlife whereby Kenya is famous for, the Indian Ocean coastline offers splendid beaches and aquatic life. For instance, Diani beach is suitable for water activities, sunbathing and exploring the underwater coral gardens. Also, cultural activities in Nairobi and meeting with locals and indigenous people give more understanding of the country’s traditions. Hence, the Kenya tours must be a perfect package with wild life, culture and sceneric beauty that one can experience.

Recommended Tours of Kenya: 7 Days Tours of Kenya10 Days Tours of Kenya, and 12 Days Tours of Kenya.

Tanzania Tours

Tanzania Tours

To those who are in the process of planning their vacation and are looking for both a exciting and a laid back holiday, Tanzania is a perfect choice. First of all, the Serengeti National Park is widely known for the complex of the massive savannas and numerous animals. Here you can go for a game drive and even get to witness the great migration just like in Kenya. Also, the Ngorongoro Crater is a soda lake that contains different animal species within its basin.

Besides, Tanzania is blessed with the highest peak in Africa known as Mount Kilimanjaro. For the daring people out there, it is an interesting and memorable task to climb this mountain. On the other hand, the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar are an ideal place to lay down your bundle and frolic around. Hence, whether you are climbing up the rocky terrains or relaxing on the beach, Tanzania tours have something for everyone in your itinerary.

Recommanded Tours of Tanzania: 7 Days Tours of Tanzania9 Days Tours of Tanzania, and 14 Days Tours of Tanzania.

Uganda Tours

Uganda Tours

Hence, wildlife watching should be part of the vacation plan, and Uganda should be on the list of places to visit. Uganda has been titled the “Pearl of Africa” and it is quite easy to understand why; the country is rich in natural treasures. First of all, it is home to the mountain gorillas. Going through thick and thin of the wilderness to see these gentle giants in the wild is one of the most inspiring things in life.

Besides gorilla trekking, Uganda has other attractions on the landscapes and wildlife. For instance, Murchion Falls National Park has water falls and numbers of animals such as elephants and hippos. Also, Queen Elizabeth National Park has boat safaris on the Kazinga Channel which is a home to many birds and other animals. Hence, Uganda tours are the perfect way to have an amazing and scenic vacation as they offer the best of adventure.

Recommended Tours of Uganda: 6 Days Tours of Uganda8 Days Tours of Uganda, and 10 Days Tours of Uganda.

Egypt Tours


Egypt is widely known for its historical backgrounds and thus should not be missed in any cultural tour plan. Firstly, one cannot miss the pyramids of giza and the Sphinx. These structures are early evidence of Egyptians’ grand history and their excellence in engineering section. Also, the city of Cairo is not left behind when it comes to museums; there is the Egyptian Museum, which contains relics of different dynasties.

Furthermore, the cruise along the Nile River gives one a whole different view of Egypt particularly on the history and the landscape of the country. The tour at Luxor and Aswan uncovers temples, tombs and monuments which are centuries old. Moreover, Red Sea coast has nice beaches and some of the most stunning diving sites in the world. Hence, Egypt tours provide the best of both world, the historical and the natural, thus guaranteeing a perfect holiday plan.

Recommanded Tours of Egypt: 7 Days Tours of Egypt10 Days Tours of Egypt, and 15 Days Tours of Egypt.

Rwanda Tours


Last but not the least, Rwanda is an ideal place to visit on your vacation because of the beautiful environment and fabulous wildlife. Firstly, Volcanoes National Park is famous for mountain gorillas which are one of the giant apes in the world. It is quite an experience and informative to go on organized hikes in the rainforests to see these monkeys in their natural habitat. Furthermore, Virunga Mountains that are marvelous can also be found in the park.

Apart from gorilla trekking, other things to see and do include; visiting Lake Kivu, a perfect place to unwind and enjoy water sports. Also, the capital city, Kigali has cultural tourism and historical site such as the Kigali Genocide Memorial. Hence, Rwanda tours give you the best of relaxation, adventure, and learning about the Rwandan culture for the best Rwanda tour.

The following are the benefits of the above mentioned destinations as they are likely to add variety to your vacation. Whether one wants to discover the lost cities, go on a wild beast chasing expedition, or sunbathe on the sandy coast, these tours are ideal for the tourists.

Recommended Tours of Rwanda7 Days Tours of Rwanda14 Days Tours of Rwanda, and 15 Days Tours of Rwanda.


Nice Accomodations in Rwanda

It is crucial to choose the most suitable accommodation since it is one of the significant factors in a vacation plan. You could be looking for a luxurious hotel, a cozy rental, or a creatively designed Airbnb. Let us assist you in locating the best house away from your own. It will correspond to your schedule, your money, and your preferences for traveling.

Accommodation is a very important part of the vacation as it can sometime define how great your vacation is. Thus, consider the location of the place, facilities available there, and the opinions of other people. However, this can make your stay really nice. It shall make your trip a memorable one and one that you would not want to forget in any way.


An Airplane is a Must while Preparing you Vacation Plan

As for transportation, besides flying and driving, we will also focus on the benefits of using public transport and using ridesharing. It is advisable to travel by local buses, trains and learn how to use certain applications to get a whole new experience. This way offers new ways to make one feel part of the location one is visiting.

Understanding all the means of transport when traveling is helpful in planning for a vacation. It will make your trip go as smoothly, and as painlessly, and as enjoyably as possible from the beginning to the end. So, immerse yourself in planning and let us assist you in identifying the suitable mean of transport to your desired vacation.

Packing Essentials for a Stress-Free Vacation

Packing Essentials for a Stress-Free Vacation Plan

When planning a vacation, packing can seem like a tough job. But don’t worry. With our tips, you can make a perfect packing list and learn the secrets of travel packing. This way, your journey will be smooth and without stress.

Finding the perfect balance is key when it comes to travel packing. We aim to help you pick out the important travel accessories. Plus, we will share some tricks on saving space in your suitcase. So, you can fully enjoy your vacation without carrying too much.

No matter if it’s a warm beach trip or a cold adventure, we have you covered. Our advice will help you adjust your packing list to match where you’re going and what you plan to do. By learning to pack smartly, your vacation will be full of joy and free from worries.

Staying Safe and Healthy on the Road

People are Staying Safe and Healthy on the Road in the Beach

When you are planning for your vacation consider the safety first. It becomes crucial to establish any special risks that may be present in the given location. Also, it is advisable to follow certain measures to be fit during the course of your travel.

Having adequate travel insurance is very important, you never know what may happen. This insurance is useful if you have health crises or if you need to cancel something. It is recommended that you read your policy through to ensure that you are comfortable with the terms before you go on your holiday.

Research on the location of hospitals and clinics when traveling to the intended area. Figure out more about the hospitals and clinics that are in the area. It is always advisable to have their contact information because you might at some point need assistance.

It is crucial to be healthy just as much as it is to be safe. Just ensure that you eat well, exercise, and ensure that you get enough sleep. Thus, you will be able to have the best time of your life and create unforgettable memories.

Also, get informed about the possible threats in the destination you are going to visit. This encompasses preparing for disasters that are natural in nature. Learning about the risks will allow you to prepare and travel without much stress and thus have a good time.

Conclusion: Turning Your Dream Vacation into Reality

Looking at our comprehensive guide’s conclusion, Luxury travel agency have compiled some essential tips that can help you come up with the best vacation plan. You now know how to choose a great destination, create a trip itinerary, where to accommodate and how to get around. That being said, you can now plan for your travel and start achieving your travel goals.

Following all of the recommendations in this travel guide, you are going to have a great, unforgettable trip. It is said that your vacation is as good as the planning that goes into it so enjoy the planning process. Well, get ready for this, you are about to create some of the best memories of your life.

There is nothing that is able to make your dream trip a reality than using the best travel tips and following a well laid down plan. Always be ready to have new experiences, be ready for changes, and happy traveling! Safe journey from the team to you!

for more Africa travel tips and information check this blog about where to Travel in Africa.

At Luxury Tours Agency, we believe that a Private Tour should be an immersive experience—authentic through interactions with locals and comfortable in terms of travel and accommodations.

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