Why You Should Visit Jordan: A Jewel of the Middle East

If you are wishing to take a dream tour then Jordan is the right destination to plan for. Jordan is a country which we can define as ‘Ancient Jewel’ because whenever people visit this fantastic country they can explore and witness delights and attractions of ancient history, culture and splendid nature. The New7Wonders list includes the gem of Jordan and thus everyone should take pride in it, Petra. Visitors should never miss the chance to visit this place being an archaeological site. For it combines prehistory with geology and bright post-classical civilization and vibrant culture and landscapes. In this piece, Luxury Tours Agency will reveal why a trip to Jordan is a trip everyone should go on.

Jordan as a Mysterious Wonderland

Jordan as a Mysterious Wonderland

Amman is the capital of Jordan, and it surely does not displease with its ancient touch as well as the aspects of the modern world. This city presents its history and the path of the process of development to us. The first point of special interest for us is the Citadel, a historical place of Bronze Age. We also find Roman structures dotted around we well as the ruin.

This means that the streets of Amman take us through the dynamism of the culture that is within the region. It is here that, the old markets exist side by side with new and fancy cafes. This mix gives one a view on the traditions of Jordan and their current fashion sense. The capital domain of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Amman introduces us to the magical unknown of the Middle Eastern nation.

The Timeless Beauty of Petra

Two Tourists visit Jordan and Standing in Front of Mystyrious Doors

A vacation that does not include Petra wouldn’t be a holiday one can describe having visited Jordan. In the list of the most distinguished archaeological sites taking a spot among the world’s seven wonders the site occupies the largest scale space. On entering through the door of this city which is colored rose-red we are awestruck with the human imagination. The old civilization of the Nabataeans constructed this city within the sandstone cliffs.

Being in front of the descending Siq and observing the Treasury that is situated at the entrance to the narrow canyon stuns. We try to look at the history, and how have we reached this point – And, how absolutely massive it is. The Treasury’s artwork in the carvings and building design captures our sight and befriends us to Petra’s timeline.

Petra is much than just the Treasury o f Al-Khazneh. It’s a puzzle of different chambers, pyramids, and constructions ready to narrate their history. Tags: City, History, Wonders, Exploring. Being from the grand entrance –the amphitheater – to the monastery, every site of Petra is marvelous.

Visiting Petra is a significantly provides insight on the history and of the nation of Jordan. It is an emblem of what mankind is capable off and I find that inspiring. It helps to sustain the discovery of the enchantment of the Middle Eastern region.

Wadi Rum: A unique Desert Wonderland

Tourist Standing in Wadi Rum while a Trip to Jordan

Hence the scripture will not be complete without adding that beauty in Jordan does not begin and end with Petra and the Dead Sea. It features the enchanting desert and Wadi Rum also referred to as the ‘Valley of the Moon’. This is a UNESCO world heritage site with tall sand stone mountains, deep canyons and sand dunes. ANY 4 by 4 safari gives you the raw view of the countryside and the wild animals.

This journey can be more individual with a hiking through the Wadi Rum scenery. One can go up the sandstone cliffs and come across some of the many canyons and oases. This is a camping adventure that provides accommodation in Bedouin styled tents at night. They can sit and listen to what the Bedouin people have to say or just enjoy the serenity of the desert.

It could be exciting or relaxing when visitors are out to explore Wadi Rum. As a result, it is an opportunity to get rid of daily stress and turn attention to Jordan’s nature. This desert marvel of the world is no less beautiful than the Jordanian desert.

Float in the Buoyant Waters of the Dead Sea

Buoyant Waters of the Dead Sea

Jordan’s wonder of an area is the Dead Sea which is predominant for its incredible natural landmark. It is actually situated below the sea level as well; due to this, visitors are naturally buoyant and float on the water that is quite salty. Also, website visitors will appreciate tips on relaxing and healing therapies, such as a mud bath where big portions of the mineral-rich mud help the body to refresh.

Seas are known to have curative properties among the people in different communities. It also benefits skin and assist to relax muscles because the water contains many salts and minerals. Many tourists come to have fun in this out of the ordinary attraction. If you’d like to have a taste of something absolutely different in Jordan, then it is a sight to be seen.

Discovering Jordan’s beautiful Culture

Camel Trekking in the Sahara Desert of Jordan

Jordan is not only a resourceful country with beautiful lookouts, and great historic history. It is also full of vital and rich culture that is evident among the people within the region. Thus, involving oneself in these typical activities one is able to explore the essence of this enchanting location. Things like going to a Bedouin centre and attempting to learn how to weave are part of this. They all prove that the tradition in this country is well-grown and gets deep into the souls of Jordanian people nowadays.

Food is undeniably one of the most effective ways of understanding people and their way of life because food is a way of life. Thus, when you visit Jordan, you’ll find that spicy meals are served, and they are rather tasty. The most recommended dish, mansaf, brings people together over lamb and rice. This meal symbolizes the soul of the nation and provides an opportunity to interact with the folks of the nation.

Jordanian people are very friendly and hospitable, so when you travel to this country you really can meet real people with real emotions. Regardless of whether this is in the form of a traditional dance show or exploring crowded markets we get under the skin of the country. These experiences expose Jordan’s past and cultural heritage; thus, becoming mere spectators to a history.

Visit Jordan: There Is So Much to Learn About Ancient History

Ancient Mosquee in jordan Trip

Jerash is an ancient city of the Romans, and now we can visit Jordan to see its preserved streets and grand constructions. We can learn historical facts, like those about the Knights Templar, or we can visit the Kerak Castle. Through this journey, when you visit Jordan, you are revealed to a comprehensive but diverse conception of Jordan’s history.

Jordan’s history or prehistory, can be traced to many archaeological treasures visited today. Exploring other parts of jordan opens up the eyes and enhances the understanding of the historical background of the nation. Every step in Jerash or at any other of the Jordan destinations – tells us stories. This largely means that this trip to jordan lets us be a part of ancient history in a very practical way.

If you are holding plans to tour Jordan then Luxury Travel Agency provides just the right package for your tour. In the 5–day tour of Jordan, you will get an idea of what Jordan has to offer, in the 7–day tour of Jordan you open the discovery of Jordan further, and the 10–day tour of Jordan brings you through all the wonders of this beautiful country. Explore Jordan with us, the place where the impossible happens!

Outdoor Adventures Await in Jordan

Outdoor Adventures Await in Jordan

Jordan is more than just history and culture. It’s also a perfect place for those who like active recreation with the focus made on open air attractions. When you visit Jordan, try to picture yourself trekking along the Dana Biosphere Reserve. You will be surprised by views of astonishing canyons, you will get acquainted with typical animals, and get to know more about the life of Bedouins. Would you prefer to walk through the desert; or maybe you’d fancy flying over the Wadi Rum unique terrains in a hot air balloon? You will be soaring over the gigantic sandstone formations and tremendous yellow sands. For more fun, one can go for rock climbing or canyoneering in the beautiful terrains of Wadi Mujib.

The lovers of nature or for adventurous people, Jordan is the country to be. As it has been pointed out, there are so many options out there. Beginning from the calm environment of the Dana Biosphere Reserve to the wonder of Wadi Rum and Wadi Mujib, it is possible to get a thrilling experience of adventure and excitement. Discover great scenic views and feel inspiring being in the open area during your tour in Jordan.

Jordan’s Religious Significance

Religious and Old Mosquee in Jordan

Being a Middle East country, Jordan has historical landmarks that have energies related to religions. It is a popular holiness site for a number of religions. Overall, one can single out Mount Nebo, which is considered to be the place where Moses was able to see the Holy Land.

There are lovely scenes that UK visitors can observe at Mount Nebo for instance the Dead Sea and the Jordan valley. It shapes man into a more humble and realized creature that looks at the world with wonder.

The Baptism Site located at the Jordan River is another vital place in Jordan. Here John baptised Jesus after he baptised many people. Indeed, when one walks here, it is possible to feel the spiritual power and the past within the area.

It is also important to note that Jordan is also house to a number of early Byzantine churches and monasteries. All of them narrate the historical tourism of the religious culture of the region. They extend the possibility of visually experiencing today the major religions, which was impossible in the pre-photography era.

Best Time to Visit Jordan

Panoramic image of Amman City in Jordan

When it is best to go Jordan largely depends on what one is interested in experiencing. Several people prefer the weather found in spring season that is from March to May and the fall season which is from September to November. It is suitable for outdoor activities and visiting such sites for example Petra and Wadi Rum.

Interested in Swimming in the Dead Sea?Ideally, it should be done during summer probably between June and August. Sure, it gets really hot during the day, or it might be even a great place for family vacations, there are lots of holidays here. Then, you will familiar with the performing culture and history of the exciting country of Jordan.

Winter season is comparatively calm during the period of December to February. The climate is relatively pleasant, it is nicely dry out and its warm during the day as well. That’s correct, claiming that now is a better time to explore culture with less tourist. You also can also feel the pulse of the population.

This is a fact; the moment you visit Jordan weather you are visiting in May or in December the country will offer you historic sites, natural beauty and hospitable people. Jordan’s splendor in the middle of intense desert offers a unique magnetism for any type of traveler; for the adventurous, the lover of the culture or for those who are in search for a tranquil environment.


If one may believe that the Middle East is all about plain deserts and imperialistic politics, let them visit Jordan. It is home to sites such as Petra and Jerash for example. You can also feel the beauty by visiting places such as the Dead Sea and Wadi Rum. This Middle Eastern , literally meaning ‘Wadi,’ has something for everyone who visits it. This city is no doubt one of the best and colourful city which has a calendar of various activities with deep cultural and historical significance. And start incredible outdoor activities. But whether looking for a particular destination, place, or scenery, Jordan is a place that one will not forget. This will entice you to come over and over again.

Have you ever wished to have something singular and special?Consider heading to Jordan. It is possible to do Jordan Tours or if that does not interest then it is also possible to possibly roam around the Jordan on your own. This place represents an ideal jordan vacation and a discovery of the real Jordan culture. Delve into its products and you will find good lessons of never forgetting this place.

Prepare yourselves for Jordan’s trickery. Explore the beautiful places and welcoming community of this place. It is one thing to have the imagination of a dream vacation but it is another thing to start making preparations for that dream now. Jordan is waiting for you with open arms and countless amazes to impress you.

At Luxury Tours Agency, we believe that a Private Tour should be an immersive experience—authentic through interactions with locals and comfortable in terms of travel and accommodations.

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